Friday, February 24, 2012

Complex counting, summing and grouping

I have a table of Sales statistics as follows, with each record bearing
invoiceID, salesRep who contributed towards the sales, the SalesDepartment o
the salesRep and the SalesAmount the SalesRep contributed
Create Table
sales (invoiceID INT NOT NULL,
Each InvoiceID can contain contribution of multiple sales reps in multiple
sales department, each with a different sales amount contribution with the
following sample Data:
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 15611252, 615, 'S71',-1000) 'denote a refund
from an earlier period
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 829, 'QW9',100 )
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 821, 'QW9',100 )
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',50 )
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',-50)
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 712, 'QE9',10 )
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 615, 'S71',10 )
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 625, 'S73',10 )
INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922117, 625, 'S73',110 )
A minus is denoted as a "refund".
I want to produce a query on the *number* (i.e. not amount) of sales
generated by each department, as follows
SalesDept CountPerDept
QW9 0.5
QE9 0.33333
S71 -0.66667
S73 1.33333
What is the simplest SQL that can be used to produce the above output?Patrick,

> SalesDept CountPerDept
> QW9 0.5
> QE9 0.33333
> S71 -0.66667
> S73 1.33333
Can you explain where are those numbers coming from?
"Patrick" wrote:

> I have a table of Sales statistics as follows, with each record bearing
> invoiceID, salesRep who contributed towards the sales, the SalesDepartment
> the salesRep and the SalesAmount the SalesRep contributed
> Create Table
> sales (invoiceID INT NOT NULL,
> salesRepID INT NOT NULL,
> SalesDept VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
> salesAmount DECIMAL NOT NULL)
> Each InvoiceID can contain contribution of multiple sales reps in multiple
> sales department, each with a different sales amount contribution with the
> following sample Data:
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 15611252, 615, 'S71',-1000) 'denote a refund
> from an earlier period
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 829, 'QW9',100 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 821, 'QW9',100 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',50 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',-50)
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 712, 'QE9',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 615, 'S71',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 625, 'S73',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922117, 625, 'S73',110 )
> A minus is denoted as a "refund".
> I want to produce a query on the *number* (i.e. not amount) of sales
> generated by each department, as follows
> SalesDept CountPerDept
> QW9 0.5
> QE9 0.33333
> S71 -0.66667
> S73 1.33333
> What is the simplest SQL that can be used to produce the above output?|||This is a wild guess in terms of what you meant; the result matches
-- 2005
with c as
1.*sign(salesamount) / count(*) over(partition by invoiceid) as cnt
from sales
select salesdept, sum(cnt) cntperdept
from c
group by salesdept;
-- 2000
select salesdept, sum(cnt) cntperdept
1.*sign(salesamount) /
(select count(*) from sales as s2
where s2.invoiceid = s1.invoiceid) as cnt
from sales as s1
) as d
group by salesdept;
A clearer picture of what you're after would allow less guess work...
BG, SQL Server MVP
"Patrick" <> wrote in message
>I have a table of Sales statistics as follows, with each record bearing
> invoiceID, salesRep who contributed towards the sales, the SalesDepartment
> of
> the salesRep and the SalesAmount the SalesRep contributed
> Create Table
> sales (invoiceID INT NOT NULL,
> salesRepID INT NOT NULL,
> SalesDept VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
> salesAmount DECIMAL NOT NULL)
> Each InvoiceID can contain contribution of multiple sales reps in multiple
> sales department, each with a different sales amount contribution with the
> following sample Data:
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 15611252, 615, 'S71',-1000) 'denote a refund
> from an earlier period
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 829, 'QW9',100 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 821, 'QW9',100 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',50 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',-50)
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 712, 'QE9',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 615, 'S71',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 625, 'S73',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922117, 625, 'S73',110 )
> A minus is denoted as a "refund".
> I want to produce a query on the *number* (i.e. not amount) of sales
> generated by each department, as follows
> SalesDept CountPerDept
> QW9 0.5
> QE9 0.33333
> S71 -0.66667
> S73 1.33333
> What is the simplest SQL that can be used to produce the above output?|||Hi Itzik,

> This is a wild guess
Any number you can give us to play the lottery today :-))?
"Itzik Ben-Gan" wrote:

> This is a wild guess in terms of what you meant; the result matches
> though...
> -- 2005
> with c as
> (
> select
> salesdept,
> 1.*sign(salesamount) / count(*) over(partition by invoiceid) as cnt
> from sales
> )
> select salesdept, sum(cnt) cntperdept
> from c
> group by salesdept;
> -- 2000
> select salesdept, sum(cnt) cntperdept
> from
> (
> select
> salesdept,
> 1.*sign(salesamount) /
> (select count(*) from sales as s2
> where s2.invoiceid = s1.invoiceid) as cnt
> from sales as s1
> ) as d
> group by salesdept;
> A clearer picture of what you're after would allow less guess work...
> Cheers,
> --
> BG, SQL Server MVP
> "Patrick" <> wrote in message
l0 as (select 0 as c union all select 0),
l1 as (select 0 as c from l0 as a, l0 as b),
l2 as (select 0 as c from l1 as a, l1 as b),
l3 as (select 0 as c from l2 as a, l2 as b),
nums as (select top(49) row_number() over(order by c) as n from l3),
choice as (select top(6) n from nums order by checksum(newid()))
select stuff(
(select ',' + cast(n as varchar(10)) as [text()]
from choice order by n for xml path('')), 1, 1, '');
BG, SQL Server MVP
"Alejandro Mesa" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi Itzik,
> Any number you can give us to play the lottery today :-))?
> "Itzik Ben-Gan" wrote:
>|||On May 16, 11:25 pm, Patrick <> wrote:
> I have a table of Sales statistics as follows, with each record bearing
> invoiceID, salesRep who contributed towards the sales, the SalesDepartment
> the salesRep and the SalesAmount the SalesRep contributed
> Create Table
> sales (invoiceID INT NOT NULL,
> salesRepID INT NOT NULL,
> SalesDept VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
> salesAmount DECIMAL NOT NULL)
> Each InvoiceID can contain contribution of multiple sales reps in multiple
> sales department, each with a different sales amount contribution with the
> following sample Data:
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 15611252, 615, 'S71',-1000) 'denote a refund
> from an earlier period
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 829, 'QW9',100 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 821, 'QW9',100 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',50 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922115, 712, 'QE9',-50)
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 712, 'QE9',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 615, 'S71',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922116, 625, 'S73',10 )
> INSERT INTO sales VALUES( 18922117, 625, 'S73',110 )
> A minus is denoted as a "refund".
> I want to produce a query on the *number* (i.e. not amount) of sales
> generated by each department, as follows
> SalesDept CountPerDept
> QW9 0.5
> QE9 0.33333
> S71 -0.66667
> S73 1.33333
> What is the simplest SQL that can be used to produce the above output?
Do you consider a negative amount as sales? Your first insert...
If yes then following:
select salesdept,count(*)
from sales
where salesamount > 0
group by salesdept
select salesdept,count(*)
from sales
group by salesdept|||Itzik, you are such a
Tony Rogerson, SQL Server MVP
[Ramblings from the field from a SQL consultant]
[UK SQL User Community]
"Itzik Ben-Gan" <> wrote in message
> Sure,
> with
> l0 as (select 0 as c union all select 0),
> l1 as (select 0 as c from l0 as a, l0 as b),
> l2 as (select 0 as c from l1 as a, l1 as b),
> l3 as (select 0 as c from l2 as a, l2 as b),
> nums as (select top(49) row_number() over(order by c) as n from l3),
> choice as (select top(6) n from nums order by checksum(newid()))
> select stuff(
> (select ',' + cast(n as varchar(10)) as [text()]
> from choice order by n for xml path('')), 1, 1, '');
> ;-)
> --
> BG, SQL Server MVP
> "Alejandro Mesa" <> wrote in
> message
LOL :-))))
Both are good ones.
Best wishes,
"Itzik Ben-Gan" wrote:

> Sure,
> with
> l0 as (select 0 as c union all select 0),
> l1 as (select 0 as c from l0 as a, l0 as b),
> l2 as (select 0 as c from l1 as a, l1 as b),
> l3 as (select 0 as c from l2 as a, l2 as b),
> nums as (select top(49) row_number() over(order by c) as n from l3),
> choice as (select top(6) n from nums order by checksum(newid()))
> select stuff(
> (select ',' + cast(n as varchar(10)) as [text()]
> from choice order by n for xml path('')), 1, 1, '');
> ;-)
> --
> BG, SQL Server MVP
> "Alejandro Mesa" <> wrote in messag
>|||That is one of the most creative yet powerfully useless tsql statements I
have ever seen!!
Now, if I could just figure out how the hell it works . . . LOL
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"Itzik Ben-Gan" <> wrote in message
> Sure,
> with
> l0 as (select 0 as c union all select 0),
> l1 as (select 0 as c from l0 as a, l0 as b),
> l2 as (select 0 as c from l1 as a, l1 as b),
> l3 as (select 0 as c from l2 as a, l2 as b),
> nums as (select top(49) row_number() over(order by c) as n from l3),
> choice as (select top(6) n from nums order by checksum(newid()))
> select stuff(
> (select ',' + cast(n as varchar(10)) as [text()]
> from choice order by n for xml path('')), 1, 1, '');
> ;-)
> --
> BG, SQL Server MVP
> "Alejandro Mesa" <> wrote in
> message
>|||HEY, wait a minute!! In non-scientific testing I have deterimined that the
output is weighted low-to-high from left to right.
I want my money back! :-))
Still chuckling about the code tho!
Indicium Resources, Inc.
"Itzik Ben-Gan" <> wrote in message
> Sure,
> with
> l0 as (select 0 as c union all select 0),
> l1 as (select 0 as c from l0 as a, l0 as b),
> l2 as (select 0 as c from l1 as a, l1 as b),
> l3 as (select 0 as c from l2 as a, l2 as b),
> nums as (select top(49) row_number() over(order by c) as n from l3),
> choice as (select top(6) n from nums order by checksum(newid()))
> select stuff(
> (select ',' + cast(n as varchar(10)) as [text()]
> from choice order by n for xml path('')), 1, 1, '');
> ;-)
> --
> BG, SQL Server MVP
> "Alejandro Mesa" <> wrote in
> message

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