Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Concatanating 2 or more rows

Hi, Sounds simple but I can not figure this out.
I have 5 rows of data sharing a common id in my table.

22 Rick
22 John
22 Paul
22 Tom
22 Mary

The result I want on 1 line is:
Rick, John, Paul, Tom and Mary.

How can I make this so?

RickI am using CR XI, if this data is in details, go to details, select section expert, select format with multiple columns, you should see a layout tab pop up, select the size and direction you want your data to flow in, also, you may select format groups with multiple columns. If this is not what you were looking for... you can do this. Create a formula.
data1 &" "& data2 &" "& data3 &" "& data4 etc...|||Group on ID.
Create 3 formulas:
1) place in group header, suppress the formula
stringvar names := "";

2) place in details, suppress the section
stringvar names;
names := names & ", " & {table.field);

3) place in group footer
stringvar names;
mid(names, 2)|||One minor typo; the group footer formula should say
mid(names, 3)
or you'll have a leading space.

I've not addressed your requirement to replace the last comma with the word 'and', but you can probably work that one out yourself.

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