Tuesday, March 27, 2012


In the SQL Query.. how do i Concatenate ?

I want to concatenate 2 of the same column and table..

tableA with column id and y
tableB with column id and x and group

SELECT d.y + dd.y as PERM
FROM tableA d, tableA dd, tableB c
WHERE d.id = c.id
AND dd.id = c.groupThis is a very very difficult thing to figure out how to do.

One approach would be to look at the online documentation. While this requires advanced skills, I will try to walk your through it.

1) Open Internet Explorer (or your favorite browser)
2) Navigate to http://msdn.microsoft.com
3) Enter in a search of "sql concatenate"
4) Click on the first hyper link provided.
5) Read the page that is displayed.

In case #1 through #4 are too difficult, click here (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa276862(SQL.80).aspx) (the blue underlined part is what you click on).

In case reading a page of material is too time consuming:

USE pubs
SELECT (au_lname + ', ' + au_fname) AS Name
FROM authors
ORDER BY au_lname ASC, au_fname ASC

And finally in case the sample is too hard to follow....

Just put parenthesis around the expression!!!!!!|||well... the problem is SQL Query in Crystal Report seems not allowing me to put the a and b in the select part...

what i need to to concatenae one table of the same column ~~~

what if like your example... but instead of
(au_lname + ', ' + au_fname) AS Name

what i want is......
(au_lname + ', ' + au_lname) AS Name|||well... the problem is SQL Query in Crystal Report seems not allowing me to put the a and b in the select part...

what i need to to concatenae one table of the same column ~~~

what if like your example... but instead of
(au_lname + ', ' + au_fname) AS Name

what i want is......
(au_lname + ', ' + au_lname) AS Name

Those two look exactly the same to me... (but I have been here 19+ hours...)|||hhahaa...
i see... hmmm...

the difference is instead of Lname and Fname...

i want both Lname...

your not sleepy huh ?sqlsql

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