Thursday, March 8, 2012

Complicated Connection Problem between ADP and SQL Server

About 3 years ago, I was told to create a SQL Server 2000 database for a
client of ours, and to set up an Access XP/2002 project (adp) front end that
would be used on their network to interact with the data. This database
needs to be updated every six months. Since there has been some "feature
creep" in the front end, I have almost always needed to install a new adp
front end on the 5-8 workstations where the users happen to sit.
I'm not a network guy by any means. This client has thousands of
workstations in at least two different building, so they provided all the
expertise for getting the user workstations talking to the SQL Server. Most
of the time, I just walk in with a back-up of the new database, restore it
onto their server, slap a new front end on the 5-8 workstations that will
need to work with the database, and off I go.
The very first time that we ever did this installation, there were some
problems getting the workstations to talk to the server. The guy I was
working with did some magic on the workstations and the connections worked
just fine after that. Then he moved onto a new job, and they assigned
someone else to work with me during my twice-yearly visits. All of the
workstations that had been used before would work just fine, the connections
would go thorugh without any effort on our part, and the installation was
easy. But whenever one of the workers had been given a new computer, the
connection would fail and the adp wouldn't be able to talk to the server.
This wasn't a problem, though, since the guy I was working with also seemed
to know what to do. He would get on the workstation, do his magic, the
connection would be established, and that workstation would never again
cause us any problems on any future vists.
This week I made my latest visit to the client's offices. The guy I had
been working with us died unexpectedly a few months ago, and nobody there
seems to have any idea what he did to make these virgin machines -- the ones
that had never been used to work with this database in the past -- talk to
the SQL Server. And of course, two of the five users that need to work
with the database have recently received new computers.
Since I don't have anyone there who can fix the problem on their end, and
since it was probably sloppy of me to require them to alter their
workstation setup in the first place, I was wondering whether the problem
might be in my ADO connection string. Maybe I could use a different string
that would connect just fine, without any requirement to change any settings
on the workstation.
The SQL Server at the client uses mixed-mode security. My project opens up
with a custom login form to get the username and password. Then it calls
the following function to establish the connection for the project. Note
that I first open up a generic ADO connection (cnnTest) to the database to
make sure that it works and to trap any errors that might come up. Then, if
that test connection works, I go ahead and call
CurrentProject.OpenConnection using the same string.
Public Function EstablishConnection(ByVal user As String, _
ByVal password As String, _
Optional ByVal displayWarnings As
Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal finalTry As Boolean =
False) As Boolean
Dim strServer As String
Dim strDatabase As String
Dim strConnect As String
Dim cnnTest As ADODB.Connection
Call DoCmd.Hourglass(True)
strServer = SERVER_NAME
strDatabase = "PbcPrimary"
strConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & strServer & ";Initial
Catalog=" & strDatabase & _
";Persist Security Info=FALSE"
Set cnnTest = New ADODB.Connection
On Error GoTo LoginFailure
Call cnnTest.Open(strConnect, user, password)
On Error GoTo 0
Set cnnTest = Nothing
'If things have progressed to this point, then cnnTest has been successfully
established. Switch the
'CurrentProject's connection to this new connection.
Call CurrentProject.OpenConnection(strConnect, user, password)
EstablishConnection = True
Call DoCmd.Hourglass(False)
Exit Function
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Call DoCmd.Hourglass(False)
If displayWarnings Then
If Err.Number = -2147217843 Then
If Not finalTry Then
Call MsgBox("The user name and password that you entered are not
valid. Please " & _
"check your entries and try again.", vbExclamation, "Login Failed")
Call Fatal("The user names and passwords that you have entered were
not valid. If " & _
"you have forgotten your user name or password, please see the
local JRC site manager.", _
"Shutting Down")
End If
ElseIf Err.Number = -2147467259 And LTest(Err.Description, "Cannot open
database") Then
'Note that you get this error for at least two conditions. First,
this error occurs if the server is found,
'but the database cannot be. Secondly, it occurs if the user's login
exists on the server, but the login
'has not been given permission to access the database. Since the
first situation seems more likely, that is
'the problem that is being described in the MsgBox.
Call Fatal("The reconciliation database could not be found on the
database server.", _
"Database Missing")
ElseIf Err.Number = -2147467259 Then
Call Fatal("The " & strServer & " database server could not be located
on the " & _
"network.", "Server Not Found")
Call Unexpected("frmLogin, cmdOK_Click", Err.Number, Err.Description,
"trying to " & _
"connect to the reconciliation database", "Connection Failed")
End If
End If
EstablishConnection = False
End Function
As I said, this code works just fine on any of the "experienced" machines,
but the new ones don't like it. On the "virgin" workstations, I get an
error -2147467259, [DBNMPNTW]ConnectionOpen (CreateFile()). Because of
error-handling routine, this gets reported to the user as "The database
server could not be located on the network".
I did some research on this error. It has something to do with "named
pipes", and I'm sure many of you actually understand what it means. But I'm
not a network guy. Moreover, this isn't my server. I can't just go into
the server and change the settings to allow the use of named pipes. So I
thought that I should instead change my connection string to something that
the server and the network would accept.
I created a brand new adp on one of the virgin workstations, binded it to
the target database on the SQL server, and found that I was indeed able to
connect to the server and the database without any problem at all from
within this new project. When I checked the connection string of this bound
project, I found the following:
Provider=Microsoft.Access.OLEDB.10.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data
Source=ClientServerName;User ID=MyUserName;Initial Catalog=PbcPrimary;Data
This string has me puzzled a bit. I don't understant why what I thought was
the "Provider" has now become the "Data Provider", and I really don't
undertand why the provider is now something that is native to Access iteslf
instead of the SQL Server OLEDB provider. But what was even stranger was
what I found when I checked the BaseConnectionString property of the bound
CATALOG=PbcPrimary;DATA SOURCE=ClientServerName;Use Procedure for
Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation
Even after reading the on-line help file, I still don't really understand
what the difference is between CurrentProject.BaseConnectionString and
CurrentProject.Connection.ConnectionString. Maybe someone here can
enlighten me.
But here is where things really get weird. When I copied the working
connection string from the bound project into my own project, it still
didn't work. When I checked all of the connection properties (under the
File menu) of the working bound project, I found that it was using a
different network library. I can't remember which one specifially, but it
definitely wasn't "DBNMPNTW" and I think it was probably "DBMSSOCN".
And now things get really strange. I added in the command "Network
Library=DBMSSOCN" into my connection string. When I did that, my inital
test ADO connection (cnnTest) worked just fine. Success! But when the
program then tried to use the exact same connection string in the
CurrentProject.OpenConnection method, I got an entirely new error. Since
I'm no longer at the client site, I don't have the exact text of the error,
but it was something along the lines of "-2147467259 (8004005) Client unable
to establish connection".
Why would a regular ADO connection work, but the project connection fail?
Does anyone know of some connection string settings that might work here?
Alternately, maybe somebody knows or can guess what kind of workstation
magic was done to allow the connection on the "experienced" computers. We
did find one thing. All of the older machines have a DSN which points
directly at the SQL Server. But the newer machines have no such DSN. So I
think it has something to do with the pressence of this DSN on the older
machines. But we couldn't create a DSN on the newer machines. We got the
same "Client unable to establish connection" error when we tried. So whle
the DSN might be necessary, it's also the case that something else has to be
done before the DSN can be created. Then again, the connection string I'm
using is DSN-less, so maybe the DSNs were just there because the guy who
fixed the workstations for me used DSNs to make sure his fix was working.First of all, have you checked out the name resolution for the server
names you're using? If named pipes aren't doing the trick (and I don't
know much about them) then perhaps making sure the name can resolve to
an IP address could help. Also, for testing purposes, use the IP
address instead of the server name and see if that helps.
Second, I'm not sure if this will help, but... here are some connection
strings that work for me with an ADP connection to a SQL 2000 database.
L CATALOG=TheDatabase
Provider=Microsoft.Access.OLEDB.10.0;Persist Security Info=True;Data
Source=TheServerName;User ID=MyUserName;Password=MyPassword;Initia
Catalog=TheDtabase;Data Provider=SQLOLEDB.1
In this case TheServerName is a name that can be found by pinging or
doing a Start->Run "\\MyServerName".
I also have a SQL Server Client Network tool which lets me use any
stinking name I want... or you can host->IP into the "hosts." file
(commonly found at windows\system32\etc\drivers\hosts or something.).
I hope this helps.
Oh, another thing that might help. In your ADP, go to
Tools->Options->Pages and click "Use Default Connection File" then
Browse. Start with the New Source button before you start messing with
existing odc or udl files. Perhaps the wizard will help you come up
with something.
And, I'm sure you've also gone to File->Connection and played with the
settings there?
Once you have a connection that works, you can go to the immediate pane
in the VBE IDE and print out the connection strings. That will help you
learn what you need to build your own connection strings.
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